Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

What is PAD?

Peripheral arterial disease is a problem with the blood flow in your arteries which carry blood from the heart to your muscles and organs. Diseased arteries become narrowed or blocked due to a buildup of fatty deposits (cholesterol). This condition, called atherosclerosis, reduces blood flow to your heart and brain. If PAD is not treated, it can lead to wounds that will not heal or with more severe cases, amputation.

Can PAD be treated?

Yes. PAD is often treated with diet, exercise, medicine, non-operative interventions and surgery. People with PAD should not smoke. High cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels all must be lowered and kept under control.


  • Stroke and heart attack are among the most serious and common complications that accompany Peripheral Arterial Disease.
  • Atherosclerosis, which causes symptoms of PAD, can cause plaque build-up in your legs as well as in the arteries supplying your heart and brain.  As a result, you have a greater risk of coronary artery disease and stroke.

Symptoms & Warnings

  • Leg numbness or weakness
  • Cold legs or feet
  • Sores on your toes, feet or legs that will not heal
  • A change of color in your legs
  • Hair loss on your feet and legs
  • Changes in your nails

Risk Factors

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Older age

What else do we screen for?  Learn more.